Sunday, August 4, 2013

slow progress but still happy findings to be had

to follow up since my last post:
- the royal burgundy plants and the green peas are doing well. it was a long wait but as of today, two purple beans and green peas each were dangling from the plants. quite exciting! i want to try cooking the purple beans soon to see the color change :D
- the baby tomato plants are finally ripening slowly. i can't wait to munch on them. this will remind me of back in the day when my grandma used to plant them in our yard. it's sad that she's too old now to help me with my gardening but who knows maybe i can bring by some to her place to show her my progress!
- the big tomato plant (variety: better bush) produced one nice red tomato! very gorgeous coloring. the plant is also popping out more small tomatoes so hopefully they will grow in size to match the big ones that are already hanging.
- scallions (not pictured here) have been doing extremely well. i've cut up three batches so far. i've shared two batches with my mom. she's shown my aunties and others the end results. they think it's better than what the usually buy from the supermarkets :) i guess i might have to continue to grow this every year now.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

heat wave

the plants are doing extremely well during this heat wave! :) see pics below:
the squash are flowering. the ones outside of the garden box are doing infinitely better than the ones in the box.
same goes with the tomatoes. one of the tomatoes is changing color! hope it will be red soon.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

happy 4th

happy 4th of july! it's crazy hot outside. we ventured out to pick up some groceries before coming home to our nice AC filled home. how could one celebrate the 4th without watermelon?? :)
before heading out though, i checked in on the garden. this is a pic of a tomato plant my husband brought home months ago. it was a little thing before that didn't flower yet but now has grown in size. as of today's count there are FIVE tomatoes on it. i hope to venture out a little later again to put a cage around it to help support the weight of the tomatoes as they grow in size.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

mystery plant

the mystery has been solved! the new plant that popped up yesterday is a royal burgundy bean plant. as you can see, it has grown alot since yesterday. this type of bean plant is supposed to do exceptionally well under cool conditions so i can't wait to see how it will do tonight as the temperature has dropped a lot from this afternoon.

Monday, July 1, 2013

monday beans!

07.01.13 new discovery
mondays generally tend to be depressing but today i came home to a lovely surprise! a new plant has popped out of the soil. i can't wait to see how it does this week with the rain :) more pic updates to come in future posts!
in other news, the beans are doing quite well both inside and outside the garden bed. it will be a while before i get to see any beans pop up. however, i am most excited about the royal burgundy plant which is supposed to produce purple beans that turn an emerald green when cooked. let's hope this year's overall harvest will be good. :)
07.01.13 green beans
06.30.13 royal burgundy plants

Sunday, June 30, 2013

6.30.13 garden bed pic taken by phone

my first gardening adventure using a bed started mid-June. i am trying to grow squash, cucumbers, carrots, beans and tomatoes! they seem to be doing relatively well so far. though some 'shrooms were popping out of the soil this morning. the hubby says it's due to excess water. i hope they go away fast. to be honest, they freak me out...alot...